Monday, May 16, 2011


This word was given by Napoleon Dezaldivar on November 14, 2007.

My favorite word...

Just stop and feel the heat on that word for a second.

You are part of a revolution. A revolution that causes disruption. And you guys are the great disrupters :).
There is an explosion that is happening in the earth to where small hidden community churches are seeing healings, signs, and wonders come to life. Diseases are confronted and eliminated.

There is a revolution that is to lead a a reformation. There is to be a reordering of things that comes as a result from this revolution.

Do you want a revolution?

To have a revolution, you have to be willing to overthrow a government. You have to be willing to overthrow a social order. One that has become normal and comfortable, and established.
The goal is that we lead to a reformation. There is not an elimination of an institution but a reordering, a restructuring of what we have known as church and what we have known about Christianity. The whole point is to see daily life in the church become different. Change must come. We can't just dress up our everyday cows(its more than just changing our brochures and re-doing our buildings).
Men and women must come into their destiny in Jesus.

We need radical, cultural experiences. Everyone must be free, from adults to babies.
Everyone must be empowered. The freedom of heaven's government must be employed in the workplace and marketplace. We don't have control over people, we don't need control over people.

If we preach power, freedom, joy, and life and don't provide it, then we just sound ridiculous.

Our relationship with the Lord is more than just praying a prayer and "working out our salvation." Jesus said, "it is finished!" We now have instant access to the kingdom of heaven. Our relationship is now restored to now where we can approach the throne of grace and mercy.
God's will is not for us to provide good arguments in defense of the Word, but to live a life of freedom in this world. Practice the presence of God where ever you are at and you will bring freedom into the environment.

Freedom, Love, and Power works everywhere.

revolution, reformation, freedom


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