Monday, May 16, 2011


This word was given by Napoleon Dezaldivar on November 14, 2007.

My favorite word...

Just stop and feel the heat on that word for a second.

You are part of a revolution. A revolution that causes disruption. And you guys are the great disrupters :).
There is an explosion that is happening in the earth to where small hidden community churches are seeing healings, signs, and wonders come to life. Diseases are confronted and eliminated.

There is a revolution that is to lead a a reformation. There is to be a reordering of things that comes as a result from this revolution.

Do you want a revolution?

To have a revolution, you have to be willing to overthrow a government. You have to be willing to overthrow a social order. One that has become normal and comfortable, and established.
The goal is that we lead to a reformation. There is not an elimination of an institution but a reordering, a restructuring of what we have known as church and what we have known about Christianity. The whole point is to see daily life in the church become different. Change must come. We can't just dress up our everyday cows(its more than just changing our brochures and re-doing our buildings).
Men and women must come into their destiny in Jesus.

We need radical, cultural experiences. Everyone must be free, from adults to babies.
Everyone must be empowered. The freedom of heaven's government must be employed in the workplace and marketplace. We don't have control over people, we don't need control over people.

If we preach power, freedom, joy, and life and don't provide it, then we just sound ridiculous.

Our relationship with the Lord is more than just praying a prayer and "working out our salvation." Jesus said, "it is finished!" We now have instant access to the kingdom of heaven. Our relationship is now restored to now where we can approach the throne of grace and mercy.
God's will is not for us to provide good arguments in defense of the Word, but to live a life of freedom in this world. Practice the presence of God where ever you are at and you will bring freedom into the environment.

Freedom, Love, and Power works everywhere.

revolution, reformation, freedom


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Spiritual Leprosy

2Ki 5:1 MKJV
(1) And Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and exalted man with his master, because Jehovah had given deliverance to Syria by him. He was also a mighty man, but a leper.

The King James Version says Naaman was a mighty man of valor, but a leper. To be mighty, or valorous, is to have great strength of will, resource, and fortitude. Naaman was a physical force to be reckoned with. But he had a problem. He had leprosy. Leprosy was a degenerative skin disease of which there was no cure. Naaman, though strong, was rotting away.

There are many spiritual giants that walk among us. They have great strength and resource. They are gifted and wealthy in ability, but they have this one hinderance. They are lepers. A spiritual leper is one who has open wounds. These wounds never seem to heal, and as sure as one finally appears to be healing, another opens. They are infectious. They tend to be bitter and carry unforgiveness and are often driven by these. Anyone who is around this type very much realizes that they, too, are beginning to feel wounds of the past. Leprosy is contagious!

What we know of Naaman, beyond his might, was that he was short-tempered and had a decided impression of how others should treat him. He was upset that Elisha sent his servant with instructions to wash in the Jordan river. Naaman had a chip on his shoulder, as most with leprosy do. Spiritual lepers tend to be angry people.

In the end, Naaman followed the advice of Elisha and was cleansed. His cure was to humble himself to the instruction of someone who did not even show him the respect he thought he deserved. He humbled himself to the advice of his own servant girl, as well. The cure for spiritual leprosy is humility. Place yourself in under the submission of a spiritual elder.

If you can identify someone with spiritual leprosy, the best thing you can do is to serve them as the servant girl did. She guided him to a place of spiritual authority where he had a decision to make. It was her love for her master that 'cleansed the leper'.

Monday, May 09, 2011


From Stan Tyra

Honor is almost extinct in the day we live. Recently as I watched a little of the Royal wedding, I began to think what a waste of time and money. In my heart I was being cynical about the entire extravaganza. At that moment the Lord spoke to me and said, “Your culture no longer values honor”. It really caught me off guard. As I contemplated that word, I realized how true it was. Most of our culture is based upon dishonor. Most news programs and talk radio is mostly about dishonoring someone else. We have come to the place where we actually honor dishonor. The Bible is very clear about the importance of honor. In the NKJ the word honor is used 178 times. We are called to honor all people not just the ones we agree with. The Bible says, “give honor to whom honor is due”.

I want to see honor restored to the sons and daughters of God. I want the church to be a community of honor that creates a culture of honor. Honor is not merely being nice to one another. Has to do with value. Honor is showing value to another. Honor elevates the status of others. If you give honor, you will receive honor.

Honor carries with it great rewards. Honor is the key to either full or partial reward.

Honor is the essential key to receiving from God.

Honor or dishonor can be displayed in thought, deed or word, but all honor originates in the heart.

Monday, May 02, 2011

A Thought About Glory

A king had two sons: a wise son and a wicked son. When people encountered the wicked son, he would abuse them and carry on in a manner unbefitting the prince. People would remark, "Is this how the king raises his son? Is this the kind of man the king is?" Yet when people encountered the wise son, he would treat them courteously and provide them all manner of service as befits a prince among his people. Then they would say, "What a fine king we have over us who has raised such a fine son. Truly he is worthy of his throne."