Monday, August 31, 2009

Casting Crowns

1Jn 2:28 Now, little children, remain in him, that when he appears, we may have boldness, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

A common misconception, I think, is that when Jesus returns for those who belong to Him, they will all be zapped away to Heaven where all shortcomings will be forgotten and everything will be hunky-dory, so to speak.

Truthfully, scripture does not indicate this. John reminds us that those of us who ignore our calling and our lineage in order to partake of the world and its offerings will stand before Jesus - ashamed. Saved as of by fire, another scripture says.

Pastor illustrated very clearly for us last weekend that we can most certainly forfeit our inheritance, just as the prodigal son did. Was he still accepted? Yes - but he was quite ashamed.

Remember that there will come a day when the single most important thing to us will be whether or not we have a crown to throw at the feet of Jesus. Let's not trade our crowns away for junk.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Keeping It In Order

I remember a long, long time ago... probably 25 or 30 years ago, a man in my church was asked, "If you were mowing your lawn, and an angel in disguise came up and told you the Lord would return tomorrow, what would you do?" The man said, "I guess I'd finish mowing my lawn."

I remembered that. Yes, living in the last days is about not only getting your life in order, it's about keeping it in order. If we should be doing something other than mowing our lawn, let's put the mower up and get to it. Prioritize. God has nothing against us taking care of our personal affairs, as long as we have property prioritized them. The Kingdom comes first.

God told Haggai the prophet that Israel was more concerned with their homes than with HIS house, which lay in ruins. God's complaint wasn't that the people were mowing their lawns, but that they'd lost their sense of priority.

Let's get our house in order and then keep it in order, so that when the time comes, we leave no ends untied.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Am I A Conquering King?

I've been dwelling on what it means to be a king and a priest. It's a subject that I don't think I'll be departing from - ever. For me to reach the destiny that Jesus purchased for me - on earth - requires me to step into this role with my whole heart. So... what is there to it?

Simply dwelling on being a king, the implications are that I change the way I operate in the flesh. A king has authority in the physical realm. God didn't make me a king to claim authority in the heavenlies because He knew that was not sufficient. But in the earthly domain (dom, or kingDOM), it's enough.

If there is something in the earth to claim for the Kingdom of God, it is up to me as a conquering king to lay claim to it. Is it my work place? Is it my home? Is it the local elementary school? And what exactly does it mean to lay claim to something?

It's my office building. God placed me there to make a difference - on earth as it is 'in Heaven'. Yes, but i'm not even a manager. That doesn't matter - I lay claim to that office as territory to glorify God. I claim the hallways, that no spirit warring against God should have free reign (this may fall more under my priestly authority). I lay claim to 'people'. What does that mean? I don't even know yet, but I believe that at some point, God will give me opportunity, grace, and audacity to witness to everyone that I claim - with all faith that salvation will come or seeds will be planted. Yes, that's far out. But it's mine - I've claimed it.

For those of you who seek the Holy Spirit and His Presence - perpetually - I know this is stirring something within you. You ARE both king and priest. That isn't a cute title, and it's not going to be on a nametag you get after the horn blows. It's for here. It's for now.

We do not war against flesh and blood, either. Therefore, we declare war on spirits by our priestly authority, but we bind and loose them according to our kingly authority. I'm not in competition with other kings in God's court. If they have claimed something for the Kingdom - I rejoice with them and move on to unclaimed or occupied lands.

Another Kingdom precept is that it's not by my power that I hold what is claimed. It's the power of the Most High. Therefore, if the enemy, or the EU, or NATO, or the UN, or Uncle Ed is upset and wishes to reclaim something that I've already declared Heaven's territory... that's fine. Come and get it, Uncle Ed.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scriptural Logic

There are certain formulas that can be derived from scriptures. Here's one I thought about just recently.

The Church was birthed from the death of a perfect Lamb. Life and freedom were birthed from the death of the Passover lamb. Christ was our Passover Lamb, therefore, the Church = Life and Freedom.

Ahh well... it's where I'm at today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Consecration Offering

Wow the 200th post is slow in coming. I've been out in training for work and it is GOOD to be back.

We are familiar with the concept of offerings in the Old Testament; a lamb for this, a bull for that, a dove if you can't afford it, etc. Not all of these make sense. They just seem like instruction - maybe cryptic keys to something in God's realm. Truly - most of these offerings seem very formulaic.

In Exodus 29 we read about the priests who have to give an offering of consecration. A certain amount is for them to 'consume' - because they are about the work of God. But that which is not consumed by them is TOTALLY burned up. Interesting. It seems... wasteful, doesn't it?

The picture is this: the flesh is a tool for Kingdom work. Nothing more. The flesh is never to be used for anything more, or for anything less. It's the FLESH. And when we are done with it, ultimately, it goes up in smoke. Why? Because it is HOLY.

Exodus 29:34 LITV
(34) And if any is left of the flesh of consecration, and of the bread, until the morning, you shall burn what is left with fire; it shall not be eaten, for it is holy.

This is for priests, remember? We are priests. And we are consecrated to God and to His Kingdom business. In the end, when that horn blows, our flesh 'dissolves', if you will. It vaporizes, and we become SPIRIT (or smoke). Why? Because WE are holy.

Romans 12:1 LITV
(1) Therefore, brothers, I call on you through the compassions of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your reasonable service.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dry Spells

There are 7 high holy days instituted by God that He declared as His 'moedim', or appointed times. These revolve around rains and harvest. There are 4 spring feasts and 3 fall ones.

The last of the spring feasts is Pentecost. Pentecost, as most church-goers know - was a time when the Spirit of God fell in power upon the believers of the Acts church. But more than that, it represented the 'rain' of the Spirit falling upon all believers to empower them for their holy commission of spreading the Gospel.

But then there is this interesting time between the rain of Pentecost and the rain of Ingathering... called... summer. It's long. It's hot. It's DRY.

Ever have those dry times? You should know that it's part of the season. Don't be alarmed.

My pastor has said more than once... it's during these times that the water is there, you just have to dig a little to get it. Hallelujah for shovels! Yes, there is an early and a latter rain, but in the middle when it seems like there's nothing doin'... get your shovel.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

World Power Shift

With every passing day, it seems like the United States is trying its best to self-destruct economically, morally, socially... you name it. This is what Rome did after it reached it's height of power. Rome was never conquered - it just self-destructed. The United States will probably never be conquered, but certainly there will be no need. The power is shifting to the east - to China. Why?

China has the greatest population of Christians in the world. They are still a minority in China, but things are changing. Although Christianity isn't persecuted in China as much as it used to be, it's still a dangerous place to be a Christian leader. Yet, for all of this, the Chinese are training thousands to go into Muslim lands and spread the gospel. This is largely unheard of in the United States.

Lest we think it's about national power, it's not. It's simply about spreading the Word of God. The fight for the U.S. is now at home. The open door that was presented to the Philadelphian church in U.S. is closing, quickly. In fact, once China is unequivocally the most powerful nation in the world, it still wont be about power. In the book of Revelation, China is probably only referenced one time (ch 16). They will play a part in the end-time scenario, but it's not about national power - it's about Israel - who is blessing them, and who is cursing them.

Once the United States falls off the roster as world-policeman, we will likely see the war of Ezekiel 37 and 38. Will we as the Bride of Christ see this battle? Possibly. It's setting up - now. The question is, what takes the U.S. out of the world's visual as sole protector of Israel? Will it be a silly president? Will it be a national disaster? Will it be a trumpet blast?

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Just Didn't Know

In the distant past, a man named Jacob was on a journey and he became stranded by darkness - unwilling to risk proceeding. In that spot, he had a dream from God who made him a promise.

Gen 28:11-16 MKJV
(11) And he came on a certain place, and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took of the stones of that place, and placed them at his head. And he lay down in that place to sleep.
(12) And he dreamed. And behold! A ladder was set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven! And behold! The angels of God were ascending and descending on it!
(13) And behold! Jehovah stood above it, and said, I am Jehovah, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac! The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your seed.
(14) And your seed shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south. And in you and in your Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
(15) And, behold, I am with you, and will keep you in every place where you go, and will bring you again into this land. For I will not leave you until I have done that which I have spoken of to you.
(16) And Jacob awakened from his sleep. And he said, Surely Jehovah is in this place, and I did not know.

We are all on a journey. There are times when it seems to get so dark that we cannot proceed. It's at that point when the Promises of God should become the most visible. When you are just standing there, wondering what to do next, wait. And when God gently reminds you of His promises, take off your shoes because there in the darkness - you stand upon Holy ground. God is in the place with you - and you did not know it.

Many hundreds of years later near that very same spot, a Roman centurion stood on detail - doing his job. He'd done the job many times before, and yet the day was different. The prisoner on 'this' day was different. He didn't complain. He didn't yell. He didn't curse. He didn't whine. He didn't cry. All this despite the most horrific scourging he'd witnessed. And as the sky grew dark, the prisoner said, "Forgive them Father, for they just don't know." The centurion winced at the thought. Surely Jehovah is in this place, and I did not know.

Friday, August 07, 2009

What Really Matters

It's easy to get caught up in LIFE, isn't it?

This just occurred to me: if it really mattered, it would have been around 500 years ago. And if it really matters, it will be around in 500 years.

Start filtering!

My job: important, yes, but worth going 'postal' and shooting people over before turning the gun on myself? No.

My family: good one! Your little boy or little girl (or little wife) was known by God from the foundation of the earth. They will hopefully be known in 500 years as well. Check!

My church: if you are part of the Bride of Christ, His Body here on earth, then 'check', that passes the filter.

My house! There probably are a few homes that have stood 1000 years... but not many. For the sake of the filter, increase the increment to 5000 years and retest.

The sales numbers this month... my business meeting this morning... my headache... does the milkman spit in my milk... the dog ate my couch... the in-laws are coming to stay...

While God is in to the very details of my life, let that be a testimony of His love for me. It is not His will that I miss Kingdom opportunities because I am bent out of shape over my half-eaten couch.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Man With The Violin

I believe this was an email that circulated. It bears printing because of the many spiritual truths hidden within.

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approx. 2 thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.

4 minutes later: The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

6 minutes: A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.1 hour:He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin valued at $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the price of seats averaged $100.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made.... what else are we missing?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Silly Crazy

A typical American man - a bachelor - enjoys a 'normal' life of living in the big city. He has a job - makes good money. He enjoys a good party and all that comes with it. Occasionally he will have a few too many, but driving home isn't that big of a deal since he only lives a few miles away (and police are rarely seen). Sometimes a girl comes home with him. Sometimes she stays several days. It's all about living it up while you can... sewing wild oats, they call it.

A foreign man is living in a 2-room earthen home. He can't read or write, but the religious leader down the street tells him all he needs to know about the news, the threats, the injustices, the defilement of his faith... and that is enough. His plan is to carry out justice on his own against those who hate him - and his god. Late nights are spent planning attacks, sharpening knives and oiling weapons. Several times a week he gets together with others like him who yell and scream out against foreigners who plot against them. Sometimes they burn flags, or pictures, or cars...

Then there is a married man living in quiet suburbia. He drives a nice car and brings home a nice paycheck. His kids are good kids, but they barely know dad because he doesn't have the time for them. Things aren't good with the wife because of the late hours at the office. Because of that, she is always angry. She isn't interested in a physical relationship and neither is he - with her. He suspects she finds physical fulfillment, just not from him. Why shouldn't she? He does. Both wish they things were different. Both wish things were the way they 'used' to be. Divorce seems like a good option, but what about the kids? What would they say at church? As long as both are playing their little family game, no harm no foul. Maybe after the kids are gone...

All of these scenarios are madness. Unfulfilling, vicious cycles of worldly passions that lead nowhere but down.

But then the married man finds Jesus. He realizes he has hope. He realizes he has misprioritized everything in his life! He comes clean before his family. They don't know what to think but they are all excited - blown away. They all start going to church and growing in their faith. The year-end raise doesn't come but they don't care - God is so Good! He gets passed over on the promotion because he just isn't putting in the hours he used to - but he has his family back! The guys at work are all shaking their heads... "He has gone CRAZY!"

Christianity is FOOLISHNESS to those who are perishing.

As a dear friend put it this morning... the demoniac of the Gaderenes tore his clothes off and howled at the moon day-in, day-out, and the people were accepting of this. But when he met Jesus and was healed, the people became AFRAID. This... is backwards. We should weigh and measure everything the world exalts as normal and acceptable. For though it may seem right, in the end it could lead to death.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Full Revelation of Jesus

There is no better model to follow than that which Jesus set. If we, as disciples, or scholars, or whatever we are, have committed to learn the ways of Jesus and the mindset of God, studying Jesus is the only way. In doing this, do not omit the book of Revelation, because it is the "Revelation of Jesus".

In Jerusalem 2000 years ago He walked as our Suffering Servant. But very soon, He returns as our ruling King. 2000 years ago, He came to seek and to save the lost, but soon He comes to judge. There is no condemnation for those who are in Him. What about those are aren't?

He is the Good Samaritan. He placed us - stripped naked, robbed, and half dead - into the care of the Inn Keeper - the Holy Spirit - and said, "Here is a deposit, I'll be back on the third day.

We are in the third day. He will be back - today. Do any of the letters He wrote in Revelation apply to our lives today? It's not too late to buckle down. It's not too late to look up. We are instructed to do both.