Friday, August 07, 2009

What Really Matters

It's easy to get caught up in LIFE, isn't it?

This just occurred to me: if it really mattered, it would have been around 500 years ago. And if it really matters, it will be around in 500 years.

Start filtering!

My job: important, yes, but worth going 'postal' and shooting people over before turning the gun on myself? No.

My family: good one! Your little boy or little girl (or little wife) was known by God from the foundation of the earth. They will hopefully be known in 500 years as well. Check!

My church: if you are part of the Bride of Christ, His Body here on earth, then 'check', that passes the filter.

My house! There probably are a few homes that have stood 1000 years... but not many. For the sake of the filter, increase the increment to 5000 years and retest.

The sales numbers this month... my business meeting this morning... my headache... does the milkman spit in my milk... the dog ate my couch... the in-laws are coming to stay...

While God is in to the very details of my life, let that be a testimony of His love for me. It is not His will that I miss Kingdom opportunities because I am bent out of shape over my half-eaten couch.

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