Monday, April 04, 2011

Trying to Conquer Egypt

When Moses led several million children of Israel through the Red Sea and the sea closed behind them, they saw the bodies of their enemies washing ashore. Do you realize that had Moses parted the sea once again, Israel would have been able to waltz into a defenseless Egypt and conquer it? There was nothing stopping them at that point - other than the sea. Pharaoh was dead. He had been both god and king to the Egyptians. Without him, there was no repelling a surprise attack from their former slaves. Why didn't God think of that?

There are so many people who come to salvation in Jesus that spend their strength trying to tame their old flesh. The old man is not to be mastered, he is to be dead and buried! It's not about the ability to harness the old... it's all about stepping into the new! God has told us that He cannot put new wine in old skins without destroying the old skins. That's all so informative... but not very practical for someone who doesn't know how to step into the new.

Have you ever heard of 'meal replacement'? It's something athletes and dieters do. You replace a regular meal with something else that is known to be good for you. The result is - hopefully - that you're so full of carrots and protein that you have no hunger for Twinkies. Or even IF YOU ARE hungry for Twinkies, you are so full of good stuff that there is simply no room for anything else. Friends, this is the victorious Christian life. The world has a lot of nice things. Instead of trying to convince yourself that they really aren't nice (good luck with that), just try replacing them with God and His Kingdom business. You will discover that the worldly temptations fade, your strength will grow, and your hunger for God will grow as well.

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