Monday, April 25, 2011

Your Response is Requested

In the Kingdom, your success is measured by your response. Jesus told multiple parables to demonstrate this. One was about a sower who threw seed onto all types of ground. Some ground responded and produced greatly. Other ground rejected the seed and nothing grew at all.

In another parable, a master gave his servants a sum of money to steward for him. The man who took risks in order to increase the money was not only successful, but he was given more. The man who was afraid and buried the money ended up with only what he was given... and 'that' was taken away (and given to the man who had much).

Mat 13:12 MKJV
(12) For whoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance. But whoever does not have, from him shall be taken away even that which he has.

This is not a popular view in our present society. The oval office believes that he who has much should have much taken away and given to those who do not have much. If you want to walk in a level of success beyond what that office would dictate, ignore that viewpoint. When you walk in the Kingdom and operate - truly operate - within its laws, then it matters not what sort of legislation comes against you through worldly systems.

In the Kingdom, risk is rewarded. No risk not only gets you nothing... it gets you stripped naked of what you do have. You only get to keep what you give away. He who clings to his own life in order to save it - will lose it. What is your response?

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