Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where We Are Heading

If a foreigner were to land in America today for the first time, he or she might discover that we love sports. We love American Idol and we talk a lot about politics. Our world is largely work, sports, and recreation with an emphasis on sports and recreation especially when the weekend rolls around. For some, church plays a part, but to the casual observer Sunday morning looks just like Saturday morning. Most cars are still parked in the driveway and the sound of lawn mowers are heard everywhere.

In other nations it is much the same. In the third world, it's a struggle to survive every day for many. No day stands out. Holidays are non-existent. Dictatorships impose a type of king-worship that is strictly enforced. If you want an interesting read, check out what the internet has to say about life in North Korea.

When our traveler lands in China, or Russia, or Brazil, or New Zealand, or you fill in the blank, how much time will elapse before they hear the name of Jesus, and before they realize that He is the King?

There comes a time - and it will be soon - when everything will revolve around the name of Jesus. All commerce will be done in His name. All trips will be planned around His festivals. All Sabbaths will be celebrated to honor Him, and sports will only be done to exalt Him. All talent contests will serve not to reveal our skills and make us famous, but to glorify the One who gifted us. All promotions we earn will be for the sole purpose of throwing our new crown at His feet. There will not be a news cast given that will not mention Him. There will not be a weather forecast broadcast that will not acknowledge the One who gives rain, sunshine, or snow. The issues we have today may or may not exist, but instead of bickering over drilling for oil, or not, we will bring it first before the One who knows why He created oil, and for the purposes it should be used. All things will be done with Him in mind, and for His glory, and for the expanse of His Kingdom which will never stop expanding. Every first fruit will be brought into the King's house - for His table. Every first pressing of the olive will be His. Every fine vintage of wine will His servants carry. Yes - it will ALL be about Him. And I am His son...

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