Friday, December 18, 2009

Wrestling With God?

-from FoxNews

Obama arrived in Copenhagen Friday with a large American delegation in tow, hoping to pressure China and other nations into accepting a global framework for combating climate change.

Obama and an estimated 120 world leaders converged on the city in hopes of saving the long-awaited summit from ruin by hammering out a framework deal in its closing hours. But the stormy two-week conference was marred to the end by flare-ups between the developed world and developing nations.

I don't think there is anyone (with full faculties) that believes any longer that all of this climate change hoopla is truly about saving the planet. We have surpassed that bit of idiocy and have gone straight to power struggle. The world has finally found its avenue - it thinks - to falsely obtain the blessings of God. What avenue is that?

God's blessing on our nation has been unprecedented. We have blessed Him and have blessed His people, Israel, and as a result we have become the greatest empire on earth. Only that season is over. We have turned our back on God and on Israel and now the only ones laughing are our enemies. The world smells blood in the water and it endeavors to siphon off all of the wealth that God has given the United States. How does it do that?

With a Copenhagen Climate Change agreement, that's how! Only the blessings of God cannot be bought, stolen, or had in any way other than through His favor. The world cannot wrestle blessing from the hand of God. The funny thing is that we can all see where this goes prophetically. As the world scrambles for its piece of the pie, God chuckles, because the world cannot organize itself to 'get' the pie. Why? The devil as at the source of all this - and confusion is all he can muster. Look at the last segment of this FoxNews article:

"But the stormy two-week conference was marred to the end by flare-ups between the developed world and developing nations."

What is the characteristic of the last human empire?

Dan 2:41-42 MKJV
(41) And as to that which you saw: the feet and toes, part of potters' clay and part of iron; the kingdom shall be divided. But there shall be in it the strength of the iron, because you saw the iron mixed with miry clay.
(42) And as the toes of the feet were part of iron and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly brittle.

The world can unite on one thing: a hatred of Truth. All other bets on international cooperation are off.

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