Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Overcoming A World View

Imagine the world's view of Egypt during the time of the great pharaohs. Everything about that civilization was unparalleled in size and majesty.

The king placed himself upon the same level as the gods.

When America went to war with Iraq, the first campaign was referred to as Shock and Awe. Why? Because you must first win the battle of the mind, and if your enemy is shocked and awed by you, there is very little chance he can overcome you. Should we mention David and Goliath here? The Israelites were awed by Goliath. David was not.

When an enemy of Pharaoh floated down the Nile into Egypt, he was greeted with statues greater than perhaps any creation found in any other culture in the world at that time.

This also had to be overcome by Israel, a people in captivity, before they could escape the clutches of Egypt. This had to be overcome before they would even 'consider' escape. Pharaoh was great. So how great were the signs that God performed through Moses? How mighty would they have had to be to reassure a beaten-down people? Note this: it took God Himself to free the people. The world view is hopelessness and impossibility. God had to do it, and He did.

As we float down the 'Nile' of life and we encounter the statues built by world-powers, are we able to see them through God's eyes, or are we awed by them?

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