Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Land for Peace

I read on the headlines to the left that Benjamin Netanyahu is once again up for re-election early in 2009. Ever since he was prime minister the first time, some 15 years ago, I have felt he had a crucial part to play in the end-time scenario. He's a purist. He's intensely popular, and intensely unpopular, and tremendously smart. His party is known as 'hawkish'. He's a favorite of mine, and here's why. His idea of discussing the split of Jerusalem goes something like this... first, put this pistol in your mouth, pull the trigger, then we'll talk. He understands one thing - there's no such thing as land for peace.

Let me cast some light on a spiritual truth here that is being played out in the physical. Your body, too, wants land for peace. If you eat one more donut, you'll be happy. If you cheat just this one time on your spouse... you'll be fulfilled and no harm will be done. If you just eat this fruit, Adam, then you'll be just like God! It's land - ground you give up - for peace. It's a lie. It has always been a lie, and it will always be a lie.

As followers of Jesus, we have to stop giving up OUR land for peace. God told Israel - this is MY land - and I'm giving it to you. It is NOT yours to give away, because you and it belong to ME! Get it? We belong to Him, too. We were bought and paid for with a PRICE, and it was such a great price that we cannot even bear to watch a depiction of it in a movie. If that is the case, can we draw enough strength to live today in a worthy way?

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