Monday, November 24, 2008

Sticks and Stones

Num 22:10-12
(10) And Balaam said to God, Balak the son of Zippor king of Moab has sent to me,
(11) saying, Behold, a people has come out of Egypt which covers the eye of the earth. Now come, curse them for me; perhaps I will be able to overcome it and drive it out.
(12) And God said to Balaam, You shall not go with them. You shall not curse the people, for it is blessed.

Has it ever occurred to us that apart from God, we are susceptible to the curses of others? Is that important? As Bro. Stan mentioned Saturday evening, our words carry reality with them, but that goes for the ungodly as well. I've seen grown men weep because their mothers or grandmothers pronounced a CURSE upon them as a child. They fought the proclamation of those words every day of their adolescence and into their adult lives until by the grace of God, the curse was broken. This sounds like hocus-pocus, I know.

At some point in your life, someone is going to get TICKED OFF at you, and they will knowingly or unknowingly pronounce a curse over you. Who has your back? When God says YOU'RE MINE AND YOU'RE BLESSED, then it really doesn't matter what the enemy wants to do. But if you don't have the blood of Christ over your life and over your family, you are nothing more than a soft target to the devil.

Maybe you realize you've been living under a curse. Examine your concordance about 'blessings' and 'curses'. They are real. The blood of a perfect Savior is the only thing that can break a curse. If you have more questions about this stuff, ask. Or better yet, let Numbers chapter 22 soak in. Sticks and stones can do much more than break your bones. Speak life.

1 comment:

Rick said...

You are so right. There will come a time in our lives that we say enough is enough. We became pepole that our parants and grandparants chose for us. They say things like I know you better that anyone, and I know how you are. If we are living the way we are supposed to God knows us and knows our hearts better than anyone. Good word, Steve. Thanks