Monday, August 16, 2010

Opening A Scary Door

It has been in my spirit, lately, to comment on some traps that are very easy to fall into. The last post was about self-promotion. Today let us consider criticism. When someone has fallen, it's incredibly easy to criticize them or demean them in some way.

Paul wrote:
1Co 10:12 MKJV
(12) So let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

The insinuation is that it's our natural inclination to judge in this way - which is typically 'not' out of love. We assume that we are strong enough or wise enough to overcome that particular spiritual attack when in many instances we have earned no credentials to justify such a claim. The result is that we open a door to be tempted by the same spirit by which our comrade fell. It's then that we find out that withstanding that kind of attack is not as easy as we thought.

I'm not implying that constructive criticism does not have a place. Within the body of Christ, however, all should be done out of love with restoration in mind.

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