Monday, August 09, 2010

The Prince of Peace

You're in a war. There are bombs exploding around you. People are dying. The screams of anguish are piercing your heart and it is all you can do to keep from panicking and running. And people are... they are running. They are losing hope.

Then you look up and your general is standing there. He's unshaken. His gaze is determined, despite the bullets whizzing past his head. He looks at you and motions for you to follow him. Who do you follow? Those who are screaming madly and heading for the hills? Or do you set out after the one who seems to have a plan?

Jesus is called the Prince of Peace in scripture. I've always thought that was a reference to the peace He would institute once His reign became manifested on earth. That's true enough.

However, Jesus was unflappable. He slept through the storms. There was not one HINT of panic in the man, even to the point of execution. He had peace. That's why He is the general. That's why if we carry the Holy Spirit as He did, we, too, can have peace in the storm. He is the Prince of Peace!

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