Wednesday, March 16, 2011


In the Torah, a person with a skin affliction that was not healing was considered unclean. The key was - healing. A wound that was healing was fine. It was monitored and cared for... but of no huge concern. However, there was no remedy for wounds that did not heal. The solution was separation. The poor soul was banished to live outside of camp, away from family, friends, and country. Basically, your only friends were the other wounded.

Priests who had this affliction were disqualified. Priests still are.

We are called to be priests of God in this world just as Jesus is. We are His representatives. But if one thing "disqualifies" us, it's unhealed wounds. It alienates us. It removes us from the community of people we are called to serve. Before long, our only friends are others who are like us. Hurting... and unwilling to receive healing. Yes, these are the ones who sap the strength out of everyone else. Instead of trying to get better, they become sympathy magnets. It's known as the 'victim' mentality.

As followers of Jesus, we must realize that we are blessed if we are persecuted for His namesake. Jesus told His disciples that such attacks were not against them - personally - but against Him. Wounds such as these are badges of honor - credentials to prove our Kingdom efforts are genuine! Such wounds are not excuses to whine, or quit, or to hold grudges against others. A wound that does not heal is an indicator that we do not hold close proximity to the Healer. Change it. The alternative is a life of being an ineffective outcast.

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