Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Fake High

Matthew chapter 4 describes the temptation of Jesus by Satan. In Matthew 4:8, it is written:

(Mat 4:8) Again the Devil takes Him to a very high mountain, and shows to Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

In the NKJV, it's referred to as an 'exceedingly high' mountain. Consider that during the time of the Roman Empire, the kingdoms of the world were spread out over half the world as we know it. It would have been a very high moutain indeed.

The devil was showing Jesus the kingdoms of the earth through one of two methods... the heavenly mountains that overlook the world, or a vision.

I was walking through the house yesterday and Entertainment Tonight was coming on after the news. Duff McKagan - one of the ex-musicians for Guns & Roses was on there and they were documenting his struggles with drugs and alcoholism. He has not recovered. He is a total mess and it's a sad thing to see. He left the band in the 90s with literally millions of dollars - enough to make anyone happy, right? It was a fake high.

Every now and then, I look around to see if the reason for my good mood is fake, or if it's real. More often than not, it's real, because God is making Himself known these days and there is much to be excited about. Beware of fake highs... they really aren't highs at all.

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