Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Reality of the Promise

It strikes me - I'm nearly 38 years old. If I had been an Israelite born 1 year after the Red Sea waters closed over Pharoah, I would STILL be walking around that mountain in the desert. Moses would be president - the only one I've ever known. And I'd still be hearing about 'how good it will be' to enter the promised land.

What would I think?

Would I really believe the promised land is a year away? Or would I write it off as fable - a wive's tail that gets a destitute people through the night? After all, I have not even seen a walled city before. The concept of paved streets is foreign, and a home with walls... well... riiiiight. One year away. Right.

Are we any different today? We are given the signs of the end. How do we treat them? Does it inspire us to rededicate (or dedicate the first time) or focus on Kingdom work? For most Christains, no. None of the above. But Malachi 3:1 says, "Behold, He comes, say Jehovah of Hosts." Three words from God. Behold, He comes. Get ready. Whatever that means for you... get ready.

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