Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Sun

Ever think about the similarities between the sun and the Son? They both represent the central fire in Hebrew, shemesh. The middle lamp stand of the menorah is the 'servant' lamp. Christ was our 'suffering servant'. He is the source of oil (Holy Spirit) for all other fires.

Do you ever look at the sun? When? I realize that when my walk with Jesus is at its best, I realize how totally big and 'undefinable' He is. The sun is this way. When the sky is the clearest, you cannot look at it. When it's cloudy, or the atmosphere is polluted, then we can look at the sun (although not recommended). Doesn't it seem that those who have Jesus 'figured out' often have the cloudiest atmospheres? Polluted viewpoints?

God created the sun on day 4. If you are a young-earther - which I am - you believe that everything God does He does in a pattern. The scriptures back this up. One of His patterns is the 7-day week. We have recently started the 7th millennial day (4000bc+2000ad = 6000 years completed). Do you realize, Jesus appeared in the flesh on this earth on day....4? Coincidence? Of course! He is the God of coincidences! Ahh well... the Psalmist said it this way, "The heavens declare the Glory of God, and the expanse proclaims His handiwork." Truly... this is a truthful true statement of truth, which is not... untrue. It's trubular.

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